Your habits.. you can change your life…
Our habits or what we do everyday.. it maybe good habits or bad habits.. but what we do everyday we call it is habits. But good habits or also the reason for our success in life depending on the things we do and the way we live. Getting into good habits is not an easy as you think.
For example.. everyone knows that baking up early, doing exercise for a while, eating good food at the right time.. all are good habits. But how much do we practice them? Knowing that it is all for us, we think it is a difficult task to get use it to.
Yes it is literally true. Many times we are told by everyone. Little us in various ways that by waking up early in the morning and reading, we remember what we have studied for a long time.. to do exercise or other things. But we find many reasons why we are not able to do that. They said
We have your work pressure in the office, why do I get up early in the morning I can write exams well even studying at night time, I can’t sleep if I go to bed early at night. I don’t have enough sleep at last night.. we all keep saying like this..
If someone tries to tell us such good things, the first words that come to our mind are.. if there are people who listen, they will say anything.. are you practicing all these things..
Remember one thing.. it is not practice after success.. but only by practicing these things they can be become successful.
If we want to get into good habits.. remember how we first got into bad habits. Yes it seems new but this is our inspiration. When someone drinks alcohol, do you know what kind of reasons they give
Friends forced me, colleagues all are drinking.. what is wrong if I drink? Will we get addicted just after drinking?? Such reasons are often given..
I play games on mobile for 5 minutes and then read for an hour.. but 5 minutes will be an half an hour. So when we can pick up bad habits so quickly, why can’t we pick up good once? Because it be difficult to make a good habit. But good habits always lead us to good once. Unknowingly these become the foundation for our success in life.
On this occasion I will mention a good book that I read recently about good habits. It’s mini habits written by Stephen guice. In this book we have to main topics, one is about physical fitness and also how Stephen becomes successful as a writer by adopting mini habits. Big success start with small habits. Actually this is not a new thing. But how much do we practice this? This is some what questionable? The habit of reading books does not putting them carefully in the cupboard after reading the book. How well we bring that good into our life. That is real meaning of reading a book.