You habits that I have become accustomed to:
8 months have passed in this year. Time is always running. But what we have done and achieved in the past is very important. Today I want to tell you about some important habits that I have adopted in 2023. One thing to remember is, that if we want to do a new thing or habit, we have to fight a lot with ourselves. This is what I have learned.
My body fat increased significantly after my pregnancy. This is simple matter. But I am not overweight at all. My weight is always between 60 to 65. I just started morning walk to reduce my body fat. I don’t do too much time. Just 15 minutes. But I do regularly. The second is meditation. This took me really hard to get use it to sitting with eyes closed for 5 minutes, is it really difficult? I thought like this.. before starting the meditation as soon as I sit and closed my eyes, all of sudden some thoughts haunt me,
I have been practicing meditation for the past 3 months.. but for some reasons.. the concentration is not on it. Beginners to meditation should keep a few things in mind, meditation only when you are alone at home. It is the best to practice meditation only when there is no disturbances. Also some meditation music available on YouTube. Increase your time day by day like 5 minutes, 6 minutes like that..
If you ever lose control of your mind while meditating, that is if your mind wanders off to another thought, force yourself back to this music. We cannot do anything without our mind listening to us.
I have not made any major changes in my food. I don’t do much dieting either. when I feel like eating what I like, I eat it happily. But whatever I eat, I will eat it in the limited. I but I don’t eat too much of it in front of me. My new changes is that I have reduced non-veg a lot. Yes I like non veg very much. But I decided to eat only one day in a week.
Another thing that is being done very hard is drinking green tea. Nothing taste is tasty as green tea. But this has helped me Control my migraine headache to a great extent. So I work event if I don’t like it. Also what I do when I feel stressed. I prepare and eat my favourite food. Due to this our mind is diverted to another work. Moreover, we can get out of stress quickly.