Why we are all waste the food
Sarvesh says that 68.7 million terms of food is wasted in India in 1 year. How hard is a farmer to grow crops and convert them into food. Think about how correct, it is to throw the food that comes with such effort into the dustbin as waste. Even after spoiling, many people satisfy their hunger with that food. There are many people who are striving water or dying of hunger because they cannot find real food.
Let’s have the matter of service aside for a while. Calculate how much food is wasted in a house in a week. For at least one male, the food a person should eat is wasted. Although this since very little. If this happen in hundred houses, it means that we are wasting the food needed for a hundred people in a week. If we follow small precautions at home, we can avoid such food pace to lorge extent.
Usually these days there are small families. That means joint family’s are almost broken. That means the number of people in a house can be 2 to 4 people. No one can cook at home without wasting even one percent. A lot of the food cook good today is left over. The can put in the fridge. Usually it can be eaten in the fridge until the next day. It is longer than that, we show interest in eating.. so we through it away thinking it is a bit of a waste.
Measuring cups are available in the market in these days, for correct measurement while you are cooking. If you don’t want to use it.. you can take a glass or cup. That you can use at your home as a measurement. When I was a child, I was told that if you eat more food, you will get more strength. But no one is satisfying that now.
It is said that rise or roti along with two types of vegetable curries should be included in the mail. It is said to eat less rice and more curries. So make a lot of curry. Reduce the percentage of rice. Moreover, even if you rice is not enough.. it doesn’t take much time to cook the rice. If the rice is hot, there is no need to reheart the rest of the curries. Eat hot in freshly cooked food is very healthy. You can make many instant recipes with leftover rice, try it once there are many videos on YouTube.
When you go to a party, only serve as much food as you want. Tell your children the same thing. If you ever order too much food when you go to restaurant, don’t be ashamed to take it home instead of leaving there.. because it doesn’t need to ashamed of your food. If you bring it back your home, and eat it yourself in the next day.. that’s good. Maybe if you don’t want to eat it, there are many Street dogs on the road and put it them. Their Hunger is satisfied. Remember one thing, if you leave the food in restaurant, they don’t have other option to throw it out. Besides bringing it with you can be useful in many ways.
The food we eat is already adulterated is some form like pesticides or food colours. There will be situations then we should not eat in together. Anyway we are all lucky to get a food at least at a slightly higher price. If there are no people who grow crops in the future, how will the future generation got food. That’s why if not completely, at least now let’s try to reduce the waste of a little bit.