Why bowls theory is not there in corporate companies
Whenever the maid who works in our house, this is more bowls in the sink that she has to clean, she asked me
“why did you give so many work today? Once in a while is fine but if you give so many work everyday I will not work in your home she says bluntly..”
How could she speak so boldly.. she don’t need a work? She don’t need a money?
She has to believe that if she quits work in one place, she will find work in other place.
If a girl who has not even completed her 10th class is so Brave, how much more courage should the employees in corporate companies who sit in front of computers and work. It is called simply bowls theory (joke a part)
There are giving you lacks of salaries but it doesn’t mean that they have bought to you. When they told to you to complete a project in 3 months without thinking for ourself, we worked day and night.
But why can’t any employee speaks only to that superior that
“it is impossible to do such a big project in 3 months”
Remember one thing, because you have a talent they hired you. Just as you think the job is important, they also think the employees are important to the company.
You should take care for yourself. If you doing extra work for your company they will never said no. When you join a new job, they tell you how to work in their office. But they don’t tell you how to overcome work pressure. Instead of using your talent for something else, use it for yourself. Simply said get used to say No
When they tell to complete the project in 3 months think you can complete or not. When you think it will be completed tell them..Yes
The target is already known, so don’t think of finishing the work in the last minute. That becomes a pressure for you.
Our life is more valuable than our job believe in yourself. We should always find in our job regardless of whether it is small or big.