Where should empowerment start from..
It was 1850.. in India, when a woman goes to school to teach some children, everyone attacks her with stones and mud. Because it is wrong for girls to study. They don’t need. This is saying of that time.
She use to go to school with mud - stained saree and teach the girls there.
Her name is Savitribai Phule. The world may never be the same. But change has to start somewhere.
Savitribai life inspire us in many ways. Her parents married her at the age of 9. And she never see the face of school, until the marriage. Even though she didn’t have the opportunity to go to school. But she studied. She completed her education with the help of her husband ( Jyoti Rao Phule)
What is important to realise here, is that the whole world is not always bad. Whatever, the work we want to do, there is a definitely a way. How did she get the courage to not be afraid of mud fell on her. Because she got help from home.
Where would she get the courage if she didn’t have help from home. Maybe it will take more time for the change to come.
Anyone who gets help from home will have the strength to resist the society.
There are many women like Savitribai Phule in the world. That courage is not only theirs. Someone gave them that power. Empowerment means is installing courage in us.
It doesn’t matter how small it is.. one step forward and see.. another hundred steps will surely follow with you.
There are always those who throw mud. Those who can move forward without being afraid of them will remind in history.
Be brave always.