Keeping a journal implies a hope…
How many of you are in the habit of keeping a diary? If you think that… many people will get inspired by watching a movie and start doing such things, it is wrong. Yes I am inspired by watching movie as well.. I thought I should write…but what should I write? How to write I don’t that at all.. until a month ago (that is when I started writing a diary) that’s why I searched on on Google and also watching YouTube videos. But had no idea. I also made beautiful book. If so would be interested on writing.
I was interested but I don’t understand what I write. When a book look pretty, my son took the book and saying “I want this book”well I bought another small book after deciding whether it was a small child.
Daily I have a habit of writing a to do list. But I keep it stored in a mobile. I started making notes on the to do list in the book to see, if I should buy a new book.. this happened for a week, making a to do list is not a new task for me, so don’t see much change.
Actually I want to write many topics in my blogs. But when I hold the pen and start writing, not a single Idea comes to my mind. This diary showed me the solution. Whenever an idea comes to me while I am working on something at home, I immediately right it down in the diary. Each point has nothing to do with the blog I write. But this points are very useful for me while preparing my script.
I am not saying that become it work it for me, it will work for everyone. Weather or not you want to keep a diary is up to you. But there are many misconceptions, many people have about keeping a diary so clear it first.
What is the first rule you started follow while writing your diary, always right honestly. You should always tell the truth while expressing your feelings. Whether it’s pain, joy, happiness, crying…never lie to yourself. You can write your strength and weaknesses in it. Even if no one knows these you definitely know them.
Writing a diary is not the original intention of baking up early in the morning, taking a bath, having breakfast…no matter how many people are around us, our friends, parents, relatives.. we can never share our feelings with everyone. Then ever you feel sad, if you write down the cause of that sadness on a piece of paper.. it will go away immediately. Misunderstandings between people will be reduced and you will have no enemies.
When starting any you habit, just you notice the difference between your before life and you after life. That is if you think about how your daily life was before, then you will know the difference. Your dairy doesn’t always pretty, just something you can read a few days later. read your diary once a week. Did we forget anything we did? or wanted to do this week? Analyse these things.
What is the need to write a diary? You may think that some apps are also available for this purpose?
Even 10 minutes after writing a diary, there is a chance that you will be away from your mobile phone.
If we write a diary on a mobile, no one can read our diary, what is the need for book maintenance? Another benefit of this is that we don’t need to carry the diary with us every time we go.. mobile is always with us?
Anyone who want to read my diary can happily read it. I have no objection. They will understand me better if they know what I think. Of course just my personal opinion only.
Last but not least, if someone ask you why you did this thing? It is much better to tell the reason for doing that thing that to say that you have been thinking about it for many days, but it is not happening.. this diary will show you that. It is it tool to spend tank learning about yourself, don’t miss it all.