It is not selfish to think of ourselves
Ever thought always about yourself only? Why are not thinking you about others? Why are you not speaking to others? What they are doing? Are you selfish? Why are you thinking about you only??
It is not selfish to think about ourselves. It is necessary. If you are children, family, their health.. your office all are your responsibilities, doing small thing about your health and your happiness.. it is your right. Do whatever you want for your happiness. Without hurting or bothering others. You can be whatever you want.
Self care is a powerful weapon that you can change your life. Where there are responsibilities, are there also rights. If you are family, office is the responsibility to handle,you have to manage.. then you have right to be happy.
Many people say about self care.. we don’t have time.. this is proof of your laziness.
Time available to anyone is only 24 hours in a day. If you have to go to office at 9 o’clock, wake up at 5 o’clock, exercise, eating breakfast.. this is one method.
Sleeping at 7 o’clock, eat whatever you can find.. going to the office.. the second method.
Time is not the reason unless there is a change in our life.. because of the methods we follow.
Wake up early in the morning even if you don’t want to. Every work should not be tied to love. If you make it a habit to wake up earlier, you will pay attention to your work.
If you small things can bring a lot of happiness. Fill the empty space in your house with good plants, then they appear with flowers, your mind is very happy.
Many people love to study. But after studying at this age, they think that what should be done? Education is not just for job. If you think completing your education at 60 will make you happy it.
It is not just about liking your job.. it is important to know how to do it happily..
If you are always busy doing the same thing, then for some days after you will get bored with your life. Your mind will stop listening to you.. and you will become disgusted with your life.
No one can think about you better than you, and no matter how critical your life is.. once you concentrate on yourself care, your life will surely come back into your hands.