Do you know how negative thoughts start?
Do you know how negative thoughts actually start in our mind? Today I want to tell you with a very small example. If there are things that.. we don’t like in anyone, our mind is always telling us “he is a bad person.”
For example, if your office colleagues.. don’t support in your work, your mind will create a bad impression about them. Or your superior, says about you.. your mind will start to have a bad impression on them.
At that time think for a minute, that maybe you did something really wrong when you did the work. If it was really your fault, why should not your superior scold you.. try to correct that mistake.
“That mistake was not done by me but my colleagues. My superior intentionally pointed me out..” are you saying this.. okay. If the mistake is not yours why should you be upset?
This is the first point, and the second one is.. your superior scolding you is a part of your office work. You should never take it personally.
Notice how he behaves with you outside the office. Does he have any useful advise for your carrier? But isn’t it that a good thing? Someone who intentionally wants to target you, why he give you advise? Why think about your growth?
Many thing this is negatively, because this scoldes you in front of everyone so you always think negatively about them.
You can’t say anything to them because they are superior your work. Your anger stays in your mind. It can’t be expressed outside. So whatever they say, it will look wrong to you. Because of this.. who will lost in the end? Think for yourself.
Every human being has flaws. See good as good. See evil as a evil. There are many people who talk to us well and deceive us. Apart from that, those who correct about mistakes even if they are strict with us. Are much better than them. Leave your anger on side, and think calmly about what they are saying.
You will lost yourself because of your negative thoughts they are not..