Can we speak out about our weaknesses??
Every human has some weaknesses. No matter big or small. A lot of things drag our life back. I must drink tea within an hour of waking up in the morning, otherwise I can’t be able to concentrate any work. Although it seems very small but many times I have faced this problem very big.
I can write English but not speak well. Maybe a lack of practice. I am never fear talk about my weaknesses. But some people says that if we talk about our weaknesses,we have more enemies. Yes. it may be true. I can’t say no to this. But if we don’t know what about weaknesses is, if we don’t talk about it, it will always be a weakness. If we go to a doctor and tell them our problem, he can give us medicine. Do you know what is the great weakness is..
Not being able to say No. That means it is called hesitation. If you friend ask you to go to a movie, if you don’t like it, you can say don’t need to think that the friendship will be ruined. When you think that saying No, will make others hurt, they can able to know you don’t want to watch the movie. Don’t think I should never think that others have to sacrifice for me.
We must respect each others opinion. Perhaps what I said was too small an example but a hesitation start small like this. We are all humans. We all have weaknesses. So why you are fear them? Once you are successful, no one will see your flaws. Only your success will be seen.